Homeopathy Treatment for Kidney Stones

Homeopathy for kidney stones has some really good natural remedies. These remedies not just control pain and discomfort but also dissolve stones and expel them in urine. Homeocare International has treated several people suffering from kidney stones and also reduced their reoccurrence successfully. Homeopathic remedies for kidney stones offered by our professional’s, breaks down the large stones and removes them from your body without using any painful invasive procedures. Homeopathy treatment for Kidney stones is safe, natural and side effects free.

Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment for Kidney Stones

Our expert Homeopaths at DR VERMA HOMEOPATHY treat Kidney Stones using Constitutional Homeopathy Treatment is safe, natural and side effects free and prescribed based on the symptoms and concept of individualisation . Constitutional Homeopathy treatment for kidney stones at DR VERMA HOMEOPATHY  not not just control pain and discomfort but also dissolve stones and expel them in urine. DR VERMA HOMEOPATHY has treated several people suffering from kidney stones and also reduced their reoccurrence successfully.

Symptoms of Kidney stones:

Kidney stones can remain asymptomatic until they obstruct the flow of urine. When obstruction to the flow of urine occurs at some point in time, the patient starts experiencing acute symptoms. The patient usually presents with the most agonizing pain in the lower back just below the ribs, which often extends into the groin area (described as ‘loin to groin’ radiation of pain). The patient may also experience nausea, vomiting, blood in the urine (haematuria), restlessness and fever (if the infection is present).

Stones less than 5 mm in size usually pass out spontaneously; however, the majority of stones greater than 6 mm require some form of intervention, especially so if the stone is stuck causing persistent obstruction and/or infection of the urinary tract.

Suggestion about homeopathic treatment

When the stone size is small, homeopathy is likely to help in the passage of stone as well as in relieving the agonizing pain caused by the same. If the stone size is larger, or the stone is impacted, or there are multiple stones, then the patient is better treated surgically. However, even after surgical removal of stones, homeopathy still has a role to play in preventing its recurrence (as the chance of having recurring stones are about 70-80%).



Kidney stones (also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis) are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys. Diet, excess body weight, some medical conditions, and certain supplements and medications are among the many causes of kidney stones


गुर्दे की पथरी (जिसे गुर्दे की पथरी, 
नेफ्रोलिथियासिस या यूरोलिथियासिस 
भी कहा जाता है)
 आपके गुर्दे के अंदर बनने वाले खनिजों 
और लवणों से बनी कठोर जमा होती हैं। 
आहार, शरीर का अतिरिक्त वजन,
 कुछ चिकित्सीय स्थितियां, और कुछ
 पूरक और दवाएं गुर्दे की पथरी के कई
 कारणों में से हैं


Some of the most common skin diseases include: Acne, blocked skin follicles that lead to oil, bacteria and dead skin buildup in your pores. Alopecia areata, losing your hair in small patches. Atopic dermatitis (eczema), dry, itchy skin that leads to swelling, cracking or scaliness.










कुछ सबसे आम त्वचा रोगों में शामिल हैं:
 मुँहासे, अवरुद्ध त्वचा के रोम जो 
आपके छिद्रों में तेल, बैक्टीरिया और
 मृत त्वचा का निर्माण करते हैं।
 एलोपेसिया एरीटा, छोटे-छोटे पैच में 
आपके बाल झड़ना। 
एटोपिक जिल्द की सूजन (एक्जिमा),
 सूखी, खुजली वाली त्वचा जो सूजन, 
दरार या पपड़ी की ओर ले जाती है।


Frequent headches 

Weight gain

Acne breakouts 

Skin darkening 

Hair – thinning ,hair -fall 

Irregular , missed .or, heavy periods 

Difficulty conceiving pregnancy 

Hirsutism – Unwanted hair growth 


Individualizsed Solution 

Totality Of Symptoms 

Holistic Treatment 

Regularization of Menstrual cycle 

up to 85% Success Rate 


Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of Homoeopathy. He established the fundamental principles of the science and art of Homoeopathy.

He is called the Father of Experimental Pharmacology because he was the first physician to prepare medicines in a specialized way; proving them on healthy human beings, to determine how the medicines acted to cure diseases. Before Hahnemann, medicines were given on speculative indications, mainly on the basis of authority without experimental verification.

Hahnemann discovered the remedial powers of drugs and inert substances such as gold, platinum, silica, vegetable charcoal, lycopodium, etc. By preparing the medicines through potentization, these inert and insoluble substances became soluble in alcohol or water and were charged with medicinal force.

Dr. Hahnemann espoused the law of cure known as “Similia Similibus Curentur”, or “Like Cures Like”. This means that a remedy that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same symptoms when manifested by a person in a diseased state. This law of cure has been verified by millions of homoeopaths all over the world since the time of Hahnemann.

Hahnemann discovered the primary and secondary actions of remedies. The primary action results from the first encounter between the vital force and the external agent, and the secondary action is a result of the vital force’s reaction to the symptoms of that primary encounter. This discovery led him to the curative powers of poisonous substances.

Dr. Hahnemann described the different aspects of ‘acute’ and ‘chronic’ diseases. Acute diseases are transitory; they have a beginning and an end, whereas the chronic diseases are co-existent with life. Either they are present in a manifest or a latent state. From this work came the chronic miasms of Psora, Syphilis, and Sycosis.

Dr. Hahnemann was the progenitor of several modern medical approaches. Deeming the treatment of insane patients to be cruel and harmful, he advised a humane treatment for the insane. He cured many insane patients with homeopathy, and became famous for this success.

Dr. Hahnemann was quick to recognize poor hygiene as a contributory cause to the spread of disease. His success with cholera and typhoid fever was in part due to this recognition. Hahnemann also emphasized the importance of nursing, diet, bed rest, and isolation of patients during epidemic diseases. Hahnemann described ‘Noxious’ principles as the precursors of certain disease states.